Fab Friday Faves 8.16.19

Hello everyone and happy rainy Friday from Florida.  It has actually been raining since monday, we are at 7 inches as of a few minutes ago.  I have cabin fever, but the temperatures have been cooler so I can't complain too much! We are in the heart of rainy season so I may as well get used to it, as long as those pesky hurricanes stay away. I just realized that I didn't blog last week, I had every intention of doing so, not sure what happened, but I really didn't have much to write about anyway.
I also realized that I haven't written anything since I said that Juju and Pat were headed to their forever home.  After a long road trip for them (and us too), and even dropping them off, we were told that the new owner was unable to take them.  So, they are back here now, which I am very happy with, but I felt bad because they were so terrified after their 3 hours in a vehicle.
We had a new alarm system installed this week, that was probably most of my excitement. It includes a camera for our driveway and front door.  I'm not sure why I have been getting amusement out of going back and watching people go by our house.
We are also sad this week, we lost another member of the family from Maine.  We will miss you Bud.

As most of your probably saw on Facebook or Instagram, we went to Orlando to visit Chad and Chrissy and the kids last weekend.  We went to Disney Springs and wandered around there, ate some good food and took in the sights.  Its a really nice place, free and beautiful for a walk on a hot day because there are lots of stores to duck into at anytime.  On Sunday we went to downtown Orlando, to Lake Eola and walked around the lake in the scorching heat.  But it was really nice with a great little farmer's market. 

One of my favorite Saskatchewan Jewelry creators Transformed Jewelry had a sale on her Prairie Lily (saskatchewan's provincial flower) jewelry on Saskatchewan Day so I finally pulled the trigger and bought one of her necklaces.  All of her work is made from broken pottery and dishes and this necklace is beautiful.  Checkout her Etsy shop, there are a lot more pieces that I would love! 

We had this beauty Red Shouldered Hawk visiting us in the backyard yesterday.  I hope she was hunting rats but she was just  mostly keeping an eye on us. 

I got these shoes on clearance at Target last week for $7, down from $30.  I have wanted a pair like this for ages so I couldn't resist. 

I went to the mall yesterday, to check out the last days of Charming Charlie and to walk around, since it has been pouring here all week.  I stumbled upon a candy store and had to get some of my favorite childhood candy.   The Bottle Caps are still the same but the Candy Smokes are not nearly as good!

The final episode of one of my favorite shows, Elementary, aired this week.  I have watched this from the start and am very sad to say goodbye.  I actually am 3 episodes behind because I am trying to make it last a little bit longer. I would love if Netflix or Prime picked it up but after 7 seasons I doubt that will happen.

Today I'm linking up with:
/ A Little Bit of Everything / Bright On A Budget / Simply Sweet Home / Style Elixir / #FabFridayFaves